Sunday, June 16, 2013

Andy's Vicarious Ride

Well, as some of you know, The Real Motorcycle Diaries have dried up for the past six months or so.  Andy is very busy right now, so I decided to have a ride for him, visit some of his old haunts and then to post them.  I know, generous, but what can I say: that's the sort of guy I am...
Initially, I was going to fish for Andy, catch some trout and eat them for him, but, alas I ran into a snag halfway there. 

Above and Below: The gate was on a bridge: I have never noticed this gate before.  The two locks are not the usual Logging Co type, and I expect they are BC Hydro installed?  Anyway, there is no way through to Rhodo from Boomerang via the hydro line trail now, boys.  142, 155 and left is now the only way.  The gate is surprisingly low and you can see that quadders have had no luck getting through, though someone on a small dirtbike would be able to drag one under if they were so inclined.  Not me folks.

 So it was necessary to turn around and scrap that plan. Poor old, Andy, no fish! (Yes there is THE other way, but, well it was getting late...)  What do do?  Well creativity is my middle name (or is it torture? - I can't remember, which is another thing I love about getting older), so I decided to go to some of Andy's favourite haunts and remind him of some plans we have, some of the views he is missing, and just generally rub his nose in it  tempt him out again next weekend on a real ride.
Then I remembered one of Andy's goals: summiting Mount Decosmos.  He has a picture of a potential creek crossing route.  So why not find that and check it out?  Backtracking along the Hydro trail I found the clearly defined single track trail heading south.  It led to this.

Above and Below: Hmm.  I remember quibbling with him about this from one of his pics, saying I felt we could cross this.  Erm No.  Too bad because there is a veritable four-lane logging road highway on the other side which takes the rider to, yes, you guessed it, De Cosmos.  Ahh, but what's that on the right?

Just off to the right is a newly minted quad trail.  It's not too bad as described in my vid below...
The road on the other side...
Above and Below: the four lane highway to Decosmos...
The creek crossing doesn't look too bad, but, being as I was alone, it was late, I didn't cross.  Two people for help, and it's a snitch.  So it was back to the hydro-line trail and off to one of Andy's favourite (and if truth be known -coveted) spur view point trails.  It's quiet little number off the Blackjack trail.

Above: Decosmos tempts the Vicarious Andy...Below: the Very Excellent Viewpoint, with some excellent sandy climbing trails for awesome fun too!  I'm only sorry I couldn't fling some playfully from by big fat rear tyre at Andy while rocketing up there. 

So there you have it.  Andy caught no fish, didn't get to DeCosmos, and didn't get my rear tyre sand fans in his face.  Well you can't have it all, folks.  Especially if you're stuck at home.  Hopefully see you soon, hermit boy :-)


  1. Nice bit of research! I heard about that gate... what a pain in the ass. I guess the logging crews carry a Hydro key. So, yea... that's a "must try soon" trail into the land of DeCosmos! Highly doable looking at your very tall, amateurish, 90° off video. Glad to see you zipped up that serpentine for the view. Great spot even if it is strewn with shotgun shell casings. Nice post!

  2. Let's do it soon. Also a camping trip to a lake or two that we know well...


Sorry about the word verification, but too many Nigerian robots are trying to sell me weird shaped vegetables from Sweden.