Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Alternative Alder To Heart Lake

Alternative Alder to Heart Lake

Briefly, Andy, Sebastian and myself took a ride out to Heart Lake.  We wanted to explore different routes around the key trail we use.  Parts of the key trail are particularly overgrown with Alder and there are some rocky sections that will be a challenge in the future as the Alder grow rapidly and the weather turns wet.
Below is an overview of the whole trip.
Below is the detail of the "Alternative Alder Trail" we tried. Green is the key, which we is the usual route.  However, the Alternative Alder route is after the first left turn after the key trail.  As you can see it stops...  The yellow trail is the usual route which is passable, but won't be for much longer unless a quad or two cuts us a path...
Below is the detail of the Heart Lake ascent.  Sorry about the path dodging all over the lake, I put the GPS in my pocket and I guess the reception was great...

The fishing was good for Andy and Sebastian, but I missed the only two bites I got.  The lake is very picturesque though, and we did see a bear on the mountainside overlooking the lake. 
 As you can see, the Alternative Alder route was anything but...It eventually got so thick that we had to turn around (no easy feat) and head back to the usual route...

 Andy at Heart Lake
 Sebastian and his KLR at Heart Lake

 Here are some videos: At first the Alder Alternative Route looked promising...
Ahh, but then, things changed...
And, believe it or not, got worse...


  1. WTF... Were you playing "Sims" on your iphone? Check the last movie. :)

  2. No that's my SMS manager - text manager. Rogers had texted me to offer me a new phone...


Sorry about the word verification, but too many Nigerian robots are trying to sell me weird shaped vegetables from Sweden.